Yeast Extract for Food Manufacturers


Yeast extract is an extremely versatile and a popular ingredient working in various food applications, such as ready meals, sauces & dressings, snacks & seasonings, soups & broths. It has 3 main benefits:


1. Taste improvement: it remains to be the main application driver of yeast extract across its diverse taste properties. Some yeast extracts intensify and bring harmony to taste while others deliver intense umami, or specific flavor notes like chicken, beef, toasted, roasted, cheese and more.

2. Healthy formulation: Yeast extracts offer taste properties to support the development of salt-reduced and flavorful foods and beverages. Due to the naturally present nucleotides, peptides and amino acids, yeast extracts allow food manufacturers to reduce up to 30% the sodium content of various dishes (soup & broth, sauces & dressings, snacks & seasonings and more) without compromising on taste.

3. Clean label and formulation: Considered as being safe and clean label, yeast extracts offer benefits beyond taste properties, making it a natural flavoring ingredient appropriate for most food and beverage applications. An alternative solution to the food supply chain, yeast extract also value adds at the ingredient level especially in the formulation process of healthy food to create a more sustainable future for both human health and the planet.

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