Welcome To Fi Asia in Bangkok


Fi Asia returns to Bangkok in 2011 with more exhibitors than ever before. Benefit from unique market insight and outstanding networking opportunities with the region’s leading suppliers.
Highlights will include:
  •  A wide variety of exhibitors – over 350 Thai and International suppliers. Ingredients in Action – a special pavilion, co-produced with Innova Market Insights, demonstrating the trends driving new product development today.
  • More than an exhibition – The event offers educational and formal networking opportunities: Fi Asia Conference organised by FoSTAT (Food Science and Technology Association of Thailand), “An Impact of AEC (ASEAN Economics Community) 2015 to the Food Industry”
  •  An exceptional educational and networking opportunity: ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015 conference: “The Impact of AEC 2015 on the ASEAN Food Industry”, hosted by the National Food Institute on September 21, 2011.

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