Sensory Profiles of Cheese Powder


Cheese powders are made of natural cheeses which are dehydrated down from about 45% to 5% moisture content. This low moisture content makes cheese powder to have longer shelf life compared to natural cheese. It does not require refrigeration and have a better flavor consistency. The content of natural cheeses in cheese powder may vary from 5% to 90% depending on the need.


There are a lot of different profiles of cheese powder based on the natural cheeses that are used. The most common cheese powder profile in the industry is Cheddar. Cheddar itself has a wide variety of profiles depending on its maturity. The fastest maturity process will result in young cheddar type which is mild, milky, butter, creamy, and cheesy; the longer the maturity process will create an aged cheddar type which is sharp, acidic, sour, piquant, complex, and savory. 

Lebih lengkapnya dapat dibaca di FOODREVIEW Indonesia edisi "Snackification" | Desember 2017 | Untuk pembelian atau langganan majalah bisa hubungi

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